More 101: progress & completions update

Doing my 101 post about MoAD, I realized that I’m quite behind on updating some of my goals, so I moved the original post over and updated it with my progress — which still isn’t as much as I was hoping.

I also think I need some way of telling which goals are in progress or partially completed, because it’s depressing looking at the fact that I’ve only completed 15% of the goals and 30% of the time has passed. I was quite surprised to find it’s nearly a year since I started my 101. I’m still finding it somewhat motivating to look at the list, but less so. I’m realizing now that only part of motivation comes from seeing good ideas in front of you. The rest seems to come from somewhere that’s a bit more intermittent for me! But I’m hoping to do a few more soon.

I’m also still enjoying things that I decide to do outside the 101, just because I feel like it. I bought a jigsaw puzzle last week and am more than half done with it. I’m really enjoying it; doing a puzzle like that is a kind of meditation for me, and I like the way you can take a methodical approach and things gradually fit together, yet there’s some randomness involved, too. I’ve also made a lot of new recipes that have nothing to do with the recipes I listed, or with Vegan with a Vengeance, yet have still been cool and exploratory, like Kasha Varnishkes and “Green-wa” from Yellow Rose Recipes. I’m working on becoming a volunteer at the Peninsula Humane Society, although it’s turning out to be a challenge to fit it with my schedule. Depending on how that works out, I think I might use it in place of tutoring as a general ‘become a volunteer and help out’ goal.

Anyway, a couple of major updates:

#4: Completed! I didn’t wimp out, I baked treats for work for every month that had a birthday. I’m not doing it again this year because it’s kind of stressful, though it was great for my baking skills and really rewarding to have things so well-received.
#48: Completed! I’ve gotten really involved with SVBC (PBPC re-aligned with SVBC and is now the Peninsula Committee thereof, which is still most of the meetings I go to), doing rides (I even organized my first group ride, another thing I was really happy about outside the 101), participating in meetings and events, and serving on bike-related committees. I like the people that I meet, and I love having cyclists to chat with about the common issues. And best of all I’m making Silicon Valley a better place for cycling.
#62: One good thing about getting a head injury is that it finally motivated me to go to the doctor, and I scheduled an appointment for a physical while I was there, so, this will be completed in a few weeks!
#69: Finally got a digital camera! It was a gift, but it was one I requested specifically. It’s nice to be able to just take a few snapshots whenever I want (as long as I remember the camera).
#77: I mentioned learning to knit, but failed to note that it is goal #77 on the list. I’m now working on a scarf.
#96: Save $100 every month this year. I did this! And I even saved more, though how I don’t know, since I rather fell off the budget wagon. That’s a goal that, while completed, doesn’t seem to have solved the fundamental problem. : ) The money is now happily baking in a high-interest savings account.

In recent, active progress:

#8 VwaV recipes: I made a couple more over the holidays and have plans to make White Bean and Roasted Garlic Soup soon
#25 Recently visited Wunderlich County Park (San Mateo County) — delightful place!
#35 Museums (MoAD was #2)
#97 Watching Buffy (on S3 now)
#99 Read Someone Comes to Town, Somone Leaves Town
#100 European History (maxed out my two biographies by reading about Queen Victoria and Mary Queen of Scots)

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