I bought a new phone today! I decided to go with the LG Dare, in the end. The reviews came out mostly positive, and I was getting feedback that the enV2 and the Voyager weren’t as good in various respects, so I decided to take the risk.
It’s exciting so far, though I have plenty of stuff still to mess around with. The only thing I wish is that they could transfer my text messages. (I got my contacts and pictures — though not the associations between the two, unfortunately.) But I always end up deleting text messages after a while because of lack of space, so I really should just archive the important ones manually and forget about it.
I’ll post a bit more considered opinion after I use it for a few days, but so far I’ve made calls (good quality), sent texts (typing is easy), changed settings (fairly straightforward but sometimes hard to scroll properly), mucked around with the interface, and tried to take pictures (why isn’t it obvious how to actually take the picture?!), and mostly my feeling is very good.