DST: 41 mi
AVS: 14.4 mph
MXS: ~30mph
Ride time: 3 hrs
Total time: 3 hrs 45 min
Route: Sand Hill > Foothill (down to Homestead and back) > Alpine > Portola > Mountain Home > Woodside > Valparaiso > Middlefield > Willow.
This is the first single ride I’ve done over 40 mi (also my first very long training ride where I had a ride partner), and it was surprisingly uneventful. It has less climbing than the other long ride routes I’ve done so far, and I’ve been feeling really good this week, continuing to see good effects from training: it’s easier to keep a higher average speed, climbing is less exhausting (!), sprinting is easier, and my leg muscles less worn out. So right now I’m feeling more optimistic about this whole endeavor. I’m hoping the slight interruptions that will be induced by my trip to Portland won’t have a negative effect. (I will be riding while there, on a rented road bike, but I won’t have the bike until Monday.)
The route for this ride was nice — in the early morning, sunny Foothill is pleasant, and as it heats up, Portola and Mountain Home save the day with their shadiness. The main highlight (aside from general awesomeness and feeling good) was a friendly gas station attendant in a station on Alpine where we were looking for a bathroom, who directed us right to it (it was clean!), didn’t complain when I only bought a package of Certs, and even would have taken my $1.48 in exact change instead of the $1.49 they cost (but fortunately my ride partner had a penny). Thank you, Mr. Gas Station Guy!