Amazon feature I want

I just sent Amazon a feedback comment asking if they have either of two features: 1) Notification when an item on your wishlist becomes unavailable, and/or 2) The ability to easily switch from an unavailable edition of something to an available one. I had quite a few items on my wishlist that had become unavailable. […]

The USPS really fails

I just navigated a long and stupid phone menu (which had no proper way of failing if you can’t give a phone number that matches your address except to wait for a long time and finally transfer you to customer service) and several customer service representatives who transferred me to yet another representative, with the […]

Comcast partially fails

My previous experiences with Comcast customer service haven’t been too bad, but I had an annoying one this weekend. First, I got an online chat representative who wouldn’t really tell me anything useful about my bill changing, and referred me to my local service center. He admitted the bill did not make sense to him […]

Nashbar crappity crap

I got my second order from Bike Nashbar today and most of it looks fine, but I must say I’m extremely disappointed with the capri-length bike pants I ordered and will definitely be returning them. They’re Nashbar brand and were cheaper than I’m used to (my experience is that good tights run $70-90 unless on […]