Stumped by the NYT

I think most people who would write a blog post “Stumped by the NYT” would mean the crossword, but I’m thinking of their online home. I find the layout baffling beyond belief. The very top isn’t so bad — it’s obviously the top news & other-section stories, plus links to sections. But getting below that, […]

Lining up qualities

I found something interesting on BoingBoing today. I don’t usually repost stuff that I see elsewhere, but this one intrigued me. A German site bought 100 different packaged food products, photographed the image of the food on the packaging, and compared it to the actual food (the linked site isn’t the original, but it’s easier […]

Preach it, but not on the blog

I read a lot of food blogs, and my choices of what to read sometimes seem eclectic even to me. I like blogs with pictures and recipes. All pics and no recipes means you get a sure drop from my list, and no pictures is a bit boring and makes it hard to visualize the […]

{City} Caltrain on Google

This is super cool. Type in “{City} Caltrain” in Google Maps where X is a city name with a Caltrain station and you get a map with a pic of the station, indications of the time of next 6 trains, their type (Bullet, Limited, Local), and their final destination (SF, SJ, Tamien, or Gilroy). Pretty […]