” ‘With any luck we will be able to ftp some suitable software and get it running on the Tera.’ ‘The Terror?’ ‘Tera. As in Teraflops.’ ‘That does me no good at all. When you say “as in” you are supposed to give me something more familiar to relate it to.’ “ I got a […]
Lest you fear I don’t like it here
My cranky post about moving mistakes should not be taken to suggest that I’m not enjoying things in my new place. In fact, I am. I’m on vacation from work, which itself is a delightful thing, and means I have plenty of time to unpack, organize, and enjoy myself, all of which I’ve been doing. […]
Things not to do when you are moving
I live in Portland now. I moved starting Friday with loading, then Saturday was driving, and Sunday was unloading, though the process started ages ago with finding a place to live and packing my stuff. This is my first real move, “real” meaning involving an entire apartment of stuff and furniture, a moving truck, a […]
Peevishly honored
I got linked by Arnold Zwicky! The trackback ended up on the first entry in that month, because his link doesn’t lead to the entry itself, but rather to all entries for the month of August, of which that one appears to be first, but is actually the last. In blogging “the last shall be […]
Ride report: Sequoia 50K 2009
Sunday morning was my third, and more than likely last, Sequoia 50K ride. Stats: DST: 34.5 MXS: 34 AVS: ~10mph (overall), 12.5 (moving) Time: 3:15 (overall) My stats are a tad muddled because I checked my distance at the finish, but forgot to check my AVS and time, and then I rode home via Foothill. […]
USPS Fail — again!
I was at home today when the postal carrier came by, which turned out to be a good thing, not because he had a package for me, but because he apparently thought I had already moved. I don’t understand, because I filed a change-of-address that had a start date of 6/27/09 (the day I’m moving). […]
How to write a good bug report
A friend of mine was complaining tonight about how people don’t write good bug reports. A Google search for “how to write good bug reports” turned up some sensible advice on the subject, but mostly verbose and poorly-written. The best advice I ever got about how to write good bug reports was from my former […]
Ride report: Spring!!! (first real ride of the season)
Stats: DST: 17.5 mi MXS: 37.1 AVS: 14.2 Time: 1:14 Route: Route: Portola Loop “the easy way” (up Alpine, down Sand Hill). I went riding last week and did the Sand Hill/Whiskey Hill/Woodside loop, but the weather was iffy and it was sprinkling by the time I got back, so it didn’t really feel like […]
Trust Google Maps
[Didn’t post this because I kept thinking I would add pictures, but it might as well be accessible while I fail to do so.] A few weeks ago after work I was going to Merit Vegetarian Restaurant (548 Lawrence Expwy, Sunnyvale, CA). I asked Google Maps how to get there, since I haven’t been there […]
Resumptive pronoun hunt resumed
I haven’t found any new written resumptive pronouns in a while, but I discovered one today on the TinyURL website: Are you posting something that you don’t want people to know what the URL is because it might give away that it’s an affiliate link? Well, if you are, I suggest that you not use […]