The Spoon Theory of chronic conditions [pdf] This is so brilliant. I exactly remember that feeling from when I was having trouble with my arms. The way she explains it makes it so clear. That’s exactly what it’s really like, and it sucks, and that’s why I so greatly value my return to a relatively […]
Mt. Tam: cheesy edition
Back in August, training for Waves to Wine, I did a ride with J & C which ended with trip to Berkeley Bowl and the Berkeley Marina. C & I looked at cheese while we were in Berkeley Bowl and saw Mt. Tam, which was a contestant in the Tomato Nation NCheeseAA (it made it […]
The fifth law
…or maybe the zeroth. :) My boss added a 5th law of PMing today: 5. If you think you just received everything you need to move forward, chances are good you’re wrong. A moment ago, I was sitting, carefully removing pumpkin puree from my hand blender with a finger, and wondering how many other people […]
Laws of Project Management
I wrote this as a little light work joke, but it’s funny in part because these situations do tend to keep cropping up… The Laws of Project Management 1. There is no spec. 1a. If there is a spec, it will change as soon as you start work. 2. There are never as many resources […]
Whenever I do Portola loop on my bike, I always pass the entrance to Windy Hill OSP, and I have thought many times about riding up there and hiking, but today I finally did it. I wasn’t sure if it would work well. I thought I might be too tired, but that turned out not […]
North SMC group ride
I had a nice ride today with some friends up in the hills above Millbrae/San Mateo. We started at Millbrae Caltrain and went up Trousdale, which just about killed me. I rode up most of it, but walked a bit and had to stop I think four times. The grade is about 9% — pretty […]
Do LG/Verizon hate commas? or: Weird interface things with the LG Dare
A while back I bought an LG Dare. Mostly I like it fairly well, but it has a couple of problems — even leaving aside the fact that it’s now restarted spontaneously four times since I bought it. One is that it’s hard for it to distinguish between scrolling and selecting. Oddly, the browser and […]
Why does everyone love Gmail themes?
I hate them. Why does everyone talking about them on the internet seem to love them, except one guy who twittered that he hates them? Oh, and someone who thinks the “older version” solves it. No it doesn’t; the older version doesn’t have chat! Dear Google, Please give me back my old Gmail (with chat, […]
The journey is part of the fun
One of my favorite things about not having a car is that it reminds me to think of my journeys as part of the fun of my trips. Journeys take more of my time than they do of most people’s, so if I don’t enjoy them and look for ways to spice them up, I’d […]
late-night thoughts (musical, mostly)
I was introduced to Pandora the other day. It’s pretty cool. I’m not great at discovering music, so I like that aspect. And it’s fascinating to see how the classification performs. I started it with Eddie from Ohio, of course. After a while, it worked its way around to Carbon Leaf — not unexpected, and […]