I’m guessing the crappy knicker thing with Nashbar was just a fluke, because I ordered some more stuff from them recently and it came today and everything looks great. The Cateye magnet works fine with the Cannondale computer I mysteriously either lost the magnet for or which was defectively packaged with no magnet. I also got another Delta Leonardo rack, so soon both bikes will be hung up out of the way. I’m tired of tripping on Meg all the time. And I gave in and got the tire tray too. I don’t think it’ll 100% save the wall, but it should help keep things stable and a bit cleaner. The Topeak Road Morph G mounted perfectly on my down tube — I just wish I hadn’t lost the first one I bought the day I bought it, but that’s entirely my own fault.
And the Nashbar brand thing I got, the Townie Baskets, look seriously awesome. They’re very sturdy-feeling and come with bright yellow raincovers (that store handily in a pocket on the bottom) and some velcro so you can keep them closed when they’re not in use! They look like they’ll work and hold up as well as the rack trunk, which I’ve been really happy with. They’ll be great for toodling around town, especially to the farmer’s market so I don’t have to stick everything in a backpack. Just fill some of my Monde Ami bags and drop them in the baskets.
My saddle soreness is clearing up nicely, if not instantly, and I got a couple kinds of ointment I saw recommended for soothing/prevention and will try to pick up some actual Chamois Butt’r before Sunday.
Minus the bump on my knee from the cabinet at work (owww), things are going pretty well, although I’m getting confused/frustrated by the suggestions in my training books and how picky they seem in some ways, so I’m sure there’ll be more about that later.