Phone purchase

I bought a new phone today! I decided to go with the LG Dare, in the end. The reviews came out mostly positive, and I was getting feedback that the enV2 and the Voyager weren’t as good in various respects, so I decided to take the risk. It’s exciting so far, though I have plenty […]

US/CDN equality

I called my credit union today to ask them about their policy for exchange rates and fees on my credit and ATM cards for Canada (I’ll be traveling there tomorrow through July 8). Their policy is the same it was last summer, when I went to Vancouver — 1% surcharge, market-rate exchange, and extra ATM […]

Two species of ride report

Ride report 1, this morning’s ride: Portola Loop, backwards from usual (Santa Cruz > Alpine > Portola > Sand Hill). DST: 17.5mi AVS: 13.9mph MXS: 39mph according to the computer, but I think really about 32-33mph Time: 1:15 riding time (about 1:25 total) I had a really wonderful ride this morning. I decided to go […]

Navigating the world of new phones

My Verizon “new every two” thing keeps showing up in my mail in recent months — I think it started last year sometime, but I’ve been resisting. However, the BlueAnt V1 is coming out soon! And I have been helping to test the tech in them at work* (and may eventually get one), so it […]

Reality of language

I almost have a hard time believing this, except that there are so many Google results for the word: Is hited a word?? People ask Yahoo Answers a lot of strange questions, including many that would be best answered by a dictionary and another whole batch that would be best answered by a philosopher, plus […]


I reorganized some blog categories this morning. I’ve been a bit lazy about adding all the categories I want, because it requires more effort than just tagging a post (but also forces you to actually reuse the same categories again and again, so you don’t end up with tagging issues like having “geekyness” and “geekiness” […]