The spambots have discovered my blog. Suck! Now I have to see if I can get a plugin working so I don’t have to moderate by hand. But while I am, thank you WP for the Mark all as spam option!
Lance Armstrong brings attention to all kinds of cycling
I’ve been known to complain about the lack of bike advocacy and neglect of bike commuting by racers, particularly Lance Armstrong, since he’s got such a high profile. But Armstrong is stepping up, opening a bike shop that’ll sell a lot of different kinds of bikes and equipment as well as serve as a bikestation. […]
Eating consciously
I’m the last person you’d think would claim to need to work on my food intake. I cook for myself and eat mostly whole foods (in spite of my obsession with chocolate mint cookies). But I feel like I haven’t really been pushing myself to eat sensibly, on the excuse that given that I buy […]
Obstacle course
This morning’s trip down Evelyn was an obstacle course for some reason. An Aramark truck, a guy backing out who couldn’t see because of the Aramark truck, a person coming out forward who was just being careless, a guy walking his bike right into the lane as I was coming (even though there is no […]
Earthquake II
Last night I dreamed, in the middle of a dream with a complicated plot and a lot of characters, that I was in a building and there was an earthquake. It wasn’t a bad one, but it was scary. I woke up this morning to find that apparently there was one. Reality intruded into my […]
Transportation perspectives
I recently got the opportunity to borrow a car again. The last time I had a car for a while, I had borrowed my dad’s, and had the adventures of 101/92/280 to San Francisco on a Tuesday night and parallel parking. My adventures this time were quieter. The lowlight (or highlight) was a drive home […]
101 in 1001 #88: See the SF Symphony live
A few days ago I got a message from the San Francisco Symphony about a deal they were running on a bunch of concerts: all remaining tickets $25 or $55, if purchased through today. I looked through the list and noticed a couple that interested me, including one that was tonight. Resphigi’s Fountains of Rome […]
On the lighter, but still heavily caloric side
I’ve recently gotten very interested in chocolate-mint sandwich cookies. I first discovered that there are Mint Oreos by accident several months ago in the grocery store. While I don’t like chocolate much, I generally like chocolate-mint combos if there’s enough mint and the chocolate isn’t too intense. The Mint Oreos really taste a lot like […]
Evocation of a falling empire
Greenwald writes: That has become Congress’ only role, its only power: to endorse what the President decrees. Like the sad, impotent Roman Senate which existed only to lend its imprimatur to the Emperor’s conduct, the Congress’ only choices are — as it did yesterday — to plead for “re-consideration,” and then, when it’s not forthcoming, […]
Prudence and public input
I’m loving the Dear Prudence column in Slate, which I discovered by accident. She’s got at least as much sense as Sars and a good dose of snark too, but with a bit more “Miss Manners” style and a touch of the “old-fashioned politeness” Ann Landers/Dear Abby tone. I find it funny and realistic that […]