101 in 1001: MoAD

I’m having one of those “peculiarly wide awake at 5am” times, so I thought I’d do my first 101 post on this blog, for visiting the Museum of the African Diaspora this weekend. It’s a nice place, but I didn’t realize that their current exhibition wasn’t quite current yet, and it’s a very small museum […]


Somehow I managed to miss a few comments that had gone in for moderation. They should be visible now. Comments, yay! Just a reminder: comment here at the site, not on the feed on LiveJournal. I’m not notified about comments on the feed, and they’ll disappear in a few weeks when the syndicated post expires. […]


Further followup on my post-accident doings: I never did find Patrick, not that I know what I would do if I did. Tell him to get a light? Ask him to pay me back for my copays? Because I did end up going to the doctor again. I’ve had a chronic headache since about a […]

{City} Caltrain on Google

This is super cool. Type in “{City} Caltrain” in Google Maps where X is a city name with a Caltrain station and you get a map with a pic of the station, indications of the time of next 6 trains, their type (Bullet, Limited, Local), and their final destination (SF, SJ, Tamien, or Gilroy). Pretty […]

Dodd against immunity

The man himself speaks. Keep emailing or calling your Senators. From Glenn Greenwald, after the Judiciary committee version (no immunity) was tabled: The pro-immunity, pro-warrantless eavesdropping Democrats: Rockefeller, Pryor, Inouye, McCaskill, Landrieu, Salazar, Nelson (FL), Nelson (NE), Mikulski, Carper, Bayh, and Johnson. Neither Clinton nor Obama bothered to show up for any of this. And […]

Or do we prefer INVISIBLE IDIOT?

After seeing quite a few cyclists out tonight without lights, I suddenly got an awesome idea for a lights-at-night propaganda poster. With, okay, an insulting edge, but these people really make me nuts. Riding a lightless bike at night wearing black clothing is just dumb. Especially when you’re riding on the Caltrain platform. Do not […]