I enjoyed MetroRiderLA’s series of posts on transit in the Bay Area. My most-used system: Caltrain Best line: The January 17 journey on Train 362 was very fast. Then again, this trip didn’t cover anything south of Millbrae. Had there been more time, this 10-part miniseries would have been a Greek epic, with the transit […]
More 101: progress & completions update
Doing my 101 post about MoAD, I realized that I’m quite behind on updating some of my goals, so I moved the original post over and updated it with my progress — which still isn’t as much as I was hoping. I also think I need some way of telling which goals are in progress […]
101 in 1001: MoAD
I’m having one of those “peculiarly wide awake at 5am” times, so I thought I’d do my first 101 post on this blog, for visiting the Museum of the African Diaspora this weekend. It’s a nice place, but I didn’t realize that their current exhibition wasn’t quite current yet, and it’s a very small museum […]
Somehow I managed to miss a few comments that had gone in for moderation. They should be visible now. Comments, yay! Just a reminder: comment here at the site, not on the feed on LiveJournal. I’m not notified about comments on the feed, and they’ll disappear in a few weeks when the syndicated post expires. […]
Further followup on my post-accident doings: I never did find Patrick, not that I know what I would do if I did. Tell him to get a light? Ask him to pay me back for my copays? Because I did end up going to the doctor again. I’ve had a chronic headache since about a […]
{City} Caltrain on Google
This is super cool. Type in “{City} Caltrain” in Google Maps where X is a city name with a Caltrain station and you get a map with a pic of the station, indications of the time of next 6 trains, their type (Bullet, Limited, Local), and their final destination (SF, SJ, Tamien, or Gilroy). Pretty […]
Dodd against immunity
The man himself speaks. Keep emailing or calling your Senators. From Glenn Greenwald, after the Judiciary committee version (no immunity) was tabled: The pro-immunity, pro-warrantless eavesdropping Democrats: Rockefeller, Pryor, Inouye, McCaskill, Landrieu, Salazar, Nelson (FL), Nelson (NE), Mikulski, Carper, Bayh, and Johnson. Neither Clinton nor Obama bothered to show up for any of this. And […]
Dear People Walking in The Road
This is The Road. The Road is where cars and other vehicles travel. You are pedestrians, you’re walking in beautiful, safe Menlo Park. We have sidewalks here. On both sides of the road. Nice and smooth. Please use them. Please do not act like I’m in your way when I’m traveling legally on the road. […]
I can get quite eloquent (and not a little rude) when angry
Guys, it’s time for action on FISA again. NOW. TODAY. I was on blog silence last time this came up, but it’s time again. Start with Glenn Greenwald for a decent overview of the politics. There should be a link in there somewhere explaining the principles too, if you’re not already familiar with the fact […]
Or do we prefer INVISIBLE IDIOT?
After seeing quite a few cyclists out tonight without lights, I suddenly got an awesome idea for a lights-at-night propaganda poster. With, okay, an insulting edge, but these people really make me nuts. Riding a lightless bike at night wearing black clothing is just dumb. Especially when you’re riding on the Caltrain platform. Do not […]