Reminder on W2W donations

I’ve had a few people at various points request reminders and a link pointer on Waves to Wine donations. As the time begins to approach (and my training ramps up, as you can see by the blog posts) I would really appreciate your support, and more importantly, so would the people the money will benefit, […]

Ride report: Saturday 2 — Longest ride without a long break

DST: 33.7 (target 34) AVS: 13.5 (eh) MXS: 32.4 (don’t know – on Cañada somewhere I think) Ride time: 2:29 Total time: 2:45 My route today is really too long to describe because I did some squirrelly things to add distance and interest, but the main streets were: Santa Cruz (via Menlo neighborhoods) > Junipero […]

First “brisk” ride

I’m trying not to post all my W2W stuff on here — I have a separate training diary that I keep on the back of my door. But today’s ride was kind of interesting. It was the first ride of the “brisk” rides. The training program indicates rides as “Easy”, “Pace”, or “Brisk”. These aren’t […]