Shiny $1000 goal

I started out my Waves to Wine fundraising nervous, thinking I would probably barely meet the minimum $350 since I didn’t plan to be at all aggressive about it. I’ve been absolutely overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from the people I’ve spoken to about it. Some of you are my family and close friends, […]

Imam bayildi

When Barbara posted her recipe for Imam bayildi, as an eggplant lover, I knew I had to make it. It is as good as she says it is. It is by no means low-calorie, but it is vegan and the main bulk of it uses seasonally-available eggplant and tomatoes. It is also kind of time-consuming […]

The 101, trimmed

I was starting to find my 101 list very hard to read, especially with all the commentary and editing I had done, so here is the trimmed-down current list. Completed or negated goals removed, including completed parts of goals (so, e.g. sushi and onigiri is now just onigiri), and all goals in edited form only. […]

The Vegetarian’s 100, just for me!

Barbara of Tigers and Strawberries, and others, had posted a meme of the “Omnivore’s 100” — 100 foods that every omnivore should try, and which ones they had tried or wouldn’t or couldn’t try, with commetary (here’s the original post. I casually remarked that someone should make a vegetarian’s 100, and Barbara obliged. Thanks Barbara! […]

Resistance is futile

As of today, I’ve officially joined the Borg.* We all got our V1s today. It’s exciting to finally have my hands on a production version. Everything about the production version is shiny and refined: the packaging makes the V1 look like a trophy, and there’s all these cute little things that go with it, from […]

Entering week 9

I took a small detour from my normal route this morning to avoid construction and happened on a park in Palo Alto I didn’t know existed. My world felt a bit wider and brighter after that. I’m getting to the point in training where I’m feeling pretty ambivalent about riding my bike so much. There […]

Peeve cubed

I don’t plan to make a habit of this, but I would like to say that I think Language Log has thoroughly worn out its/their welcome on entries that solely constitute being peeved by people being peeved about (various things) about language. It’s still moderately interesting when they explore the history and usage of the […]